Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Top Ten Reasons Why Halloween is Awesome.

I won't begin to deny that there is a very GOOD possibity I own nearly as many, if not more, Halloween decor than I do Christmas decor.

Which, Mom- if you somehow read this blasphemy of a blog- in no way is my subtle way of saying that I love the Eve of Evil to be construed that I mean that I love Satan or death or the afterlife, or that these glorious celebrations have any precedence over Christ or Our Savior, or so on and so forth. 

As a Catholic, I wholly respect and look forward to Advent and Christmas. 
As a human, I wholly look forward to ghosts and goblins and miniature Milky Way bars. 

Fact is: I just love Halloween. 

I love monsters and creepy crawlers and skeletons and mist and horror movies. I love costumes and orange. Pumpkins and Tim Burton and Jack Skellington, and Casper and the folklore and candy.

Definitely candy. 

No, if I had to choose- I would always choose Christmas. I much prefer peppermint in my coffee over pumpkin or spice. No debate. There is no comparison, HOWEVER. 

It is just so dark and brooding. Any die-hard Cure fan like myself can't ignore such a devilishly dark and clouded holiday celebrating all things dead and shadowed! That would be terrible. I just want to listen to Faith, or The Drowning Man, Oh- don't get me started. 
A little Old school goth, Souxie and the Banshees....some faux-spiderwebs...

Throw in the Shining and Poltergeist and I am one damn happy mama. 

Why? Because it's not everyday. It's not everyday you can enjoy zombies and supernatural spirits and overwhelming amounts of sugar, and not give two fucks what anyone thinks, that's why. 

In the words of Tim Burton: "one person's craziness is another person's reality."

So, the logic resounding behind this holiday, this strangely cryptic holiday that pronounces death and darkness:  is that you need precisely NO logic in which to defend you love of it. It is just crazily wonderful, and that is that.  

Team Edward, Team Jacob; Team I-hate-Twilight: we all can agree that Anne Rice had the right idea.
If we glitter in the sun, or we burn and cower- we all are. 

That is this one day, we are what we are and we are what we are not. :) 

And, as expected, I ensue: 

10. One day a year, you can wear literally- LITERALLY- anything in public and people will just nod and smile. 
9. Drunken stupor is not only encouraged, it's expected. 
8. Even Scrouge can't hide from Christmas, hiding from Trick-or-Treaters is even less likely.
7. Candy.
6. If you have kids? They dress up in cute little costumes.
5. If you don't have kids, you see lots of other people's kids dressed up in cute costumes. 
4. It's the one day a year that slutty women blend in.
3. Slutty woman costumes. A.k.a. = boobs. 
2. Did I mention candy??!
1. I get to are my kids look adorable, wear a slutty costume, eat a crapload of candy, and get drunk. No one can say ANYTHING. Why?

Because it's Halloween. 


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